Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Job hunting from Lake Tahoe

I just came back from a weekend trip to Lake Tahoe. Now before anyone gets upset about my spending, it's not really that far away and I basically went there to update my resume and sent out about 20 applications or so for jobs online. I even received a phone call for an in-person interview scheduled for next week.

And regarding one of my previous posts about contemplating buying a new bag (or "murse" as the Haterz like to call it), I was just being tongue-in-cheek by using self-depreciating humor to get a laugh out of you guys. My current bag is still in good working condition. It's all good.


Anonymous said...


Lake Tahoe... again??? Oh, and any monkey with a PC or laptop should be able to send out 20 resumes every day. And you're expecting everyone to pat you on the back for doing what should have been done... oh, what... A YEAR AGO????

Anonymous said...

Let us know beforehand the next time you go out of town. G is hot and on the market.

Lou Minatti said...

Casey, did you get my e-mail?

Anonymous said...

Santa, did you get my letter?

Anonymous said...

Satan, did you get my soul?

Anonymous said...

IS THAT REALLY YOU!!!!!!!!!!?????????

Anonymous said...

Only 6 comments in 2 days...

I guess it's not quite like the "old" days.

Best of luck with the job search.

Anonymous said...

This is not Casey

Anonymous said...

I know but wouldn't it be fun if it actually was Casey? It would really show the addictive power of the internet and the train-wreck that is internet-celebrity.

christiangustafson said...

Ignore the haterz, Casey. Enjoy the fine Sierras.

Wishing you all the best.

Anonymous said...

obviously not casey. the idiotz at caseyhaterz are no doubt drooling over thiz.

Anonymous said...

Casey, if this is in fact you, I've put up a post about you on my blog KyleMStephens.com. If this isn't you, visit and beat up on the real Casey.

Anonymous said...

"self-depreciating humor"

Closer to the real thing. Now if only you had started this blog off with that one instead of properly using "aforementioned", you might have fooled more/most of us. Too bad, I miss the little guy.

Anonymous said...

Hey Casey,

Really glad to see you back!

Tahoe is a great escape from Sac's heat.

North Lake Tahoe Restaurant: Soule Domain (Next to the Biltmore). It's awesome

Anonymous said...


Why does the Talkshoe page say the talkcast is August 31 at Midnight?

Anonymous said...

Sorry guys I'm running late, I will be starting in a few minutes though.

Anonymous said...

Funny. Kinda Sorta?